W.O.L.O. We Only Live Once. Let’s reach a wonderful success and sincerely become a wonderful blessing for many people and the whole world. This is a balance of life. This is one of values I believe in.

                          Everyone has their own dreams. Your dream can be same or different from others’ dreams. However, there are three values which everyone must do in order to reach their dreams:
Build your own dreams based on your passion and talent. Everybody naturally has these two gifts as a one complete package. Your passion is also your talent.
Have a strong faith in your dreams.
Work extremely hard for achieving your dreams. No real success comes without a striving!

                               If you have strived for years and still get failures, then just keep faithfully striving! You will not strive forever. A real success comes at its time! “When at first you don’t succeed, just sit down and eat cake. Then, try again!” (Moms’ Night Out, 2014).

                        One of successful and popular singer from Indonesia who is now striving for an opportunity in Hollywood, Agnes Monica, says: “People say that we have to work 100% for reaching our dreams, but I choose to work 300% for making all my dreams come true!”

                        Look at the universe…. How amazing it is, consists of millions stars, planets, and other sky objects. Look at our home, Planet Earth, with all its beauty and qualities. The Creator whom we called God has entrusted this blue planet to us.

                        Will you entrust someone who is incapable to lead a very important work or a precious place? The answer will surely be a ‘big no’. Same with God. He specially creates us in his image and doesn’t create us to be just ordinary. We are his masterpiece, so he desires us to be extra-ordinary and to create big wonderful works.

                        God also doesn’t create us to be a repetition of other people. Everyone is unique and special, has their own characters and potencies. So, each of us is absolutely able to create a new qualified work which can well contribute to humanity and the whole world.  One of most successful and controversial female singers in the world, Madonna (Madonna Louis Veronica Siccone), says: “Everyone is a star”. Well, it’s true! We were born to be stars through our own work fields.

                        I believe that becoming a star through whichever kind of work field means to share compassion and happiness with many people. Success is not only about our own achievement, but also about blessing people and contributing good things for the better world.




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